✧ How to make slime activator: 

  1. Measure 1 cup of warm water and add the borax powder provided.
  2. Stir and mix until the powder is completely incorporated. Your activator should look clear with no borax chunks/powder left. 
  3. Most importantly, store it in an empty bottle and don’t forget to label it for future use. 
  4. It is really important that when you are  distributing activator to your slime you add only little amounts at a time to ensure you are not over activating your slime.

✧ My slime is hard/stiff: 

White glue based slime: Add small amounts of glycerin or lotion and mix it with the slime until you get your desired texture.

Clear glue based slime: Add small amounts of glycerin and mix it into the slime until you get your desired texture. Or, leave the slime untouched in its airtight container by the windowsill or somewhere so that it can absorb sunlight for a few days and melt down. 

✧ My slime is too sticky: 

Add small amounts of activator and mix it in with the slime until the consistency you want has been achieved. 

✧  My slime deflated/shrunk in size: 

All slimes can deflate over time and this is very natural and unavoidable since slime is mainly made out of glue and products that contain liquid. This process varies depending on type of slime (clay/butter/self-inflating slime tends to be deflated faster than other types of slimes due to the air dry clay itself) and use, exposure to air and skin will make your slime deflate.

Try to add small amounts of school glue (if it is a white glue based slime) and clear glue (if it is a clear glue based slime), then slowly incorporate it to the slime. The slime may get sticky but you may activate the slime by small amounts until you get your desired texture.